For the first time, China made a fake sun

For the first time, China made a fake sun

For the first time, China built a fake sun with a nuclear fusion nuclear reactor. This fake sun carries 10 times more temperature than the largest star in the solar system, the Sun. China's People's Daily has published such news. That being said, this sun, made up of hydrogen and other gases, will act as a source of natural energy just like our sun. 

 The country's largest modern nuclear fusion experimental research center was built last year in China's southwestern province of Sichuan. It is also called fake sun because of its extra heat and energy. The temperature of this research device is 150 million degrees Celsius. Which is 10 times that of the natural sun.

China is working on the project as part of its participation in an international thermonuclear test reactor project in France. ITER, the world's largest nuclear fusion project, has been allocated 2.4 billion. There are 35 countries in this project. The project is expected to be implemented by 2025. For years, researchers have been trying to generate energy through this reactor for an endless natural energy source.

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